Sunday, August 30, 2009


I just got off my Sunday night conference call for my home business and I thought to myself how blessed I am to be able to not only stay at home, but also have a business that brings in income. For those of you that don't know what I do, let me explain. Last year when Nick and i decided that I was going to stay at home I decided to start selling the products that I had already been using for a year. The company is Arbonne and I would describe it as a health and wellness company. We have something for everyone including skincare, makeup, vitamins, and baby products. Anyhow, basically what I do is go to peoples houses and do spa parties. Guests soak their feet and get a facial. Hostesses get to pick out free products for hostessing. I have built up clients in IL, and now have a team in VA. The reason that I am so excited is because Arbonne is the sole reason for me not returning to work. I would encourage all of my stay at home mommies to look into a home business with a low start up cost. There are a million companies out there and if you want to know what to look for feel free to email me. If you want to know more about my company please email or call me. If it is a fit for you I can tell you exactly what to do to make money:)

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Landon and Izzy picking blueberries (mostly eating them)