I am a military spouse of 14 years that wants to share how we have made it work. From budget tips to recipes to funny family stories, as a family we try to keep it simple.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
name this blog
I am having a hard time trying to figure out a fun name for my blog. Eberly family is sooooooo boring. I hate boring! If anybody has any good idea's please comment. Thanks!
I am a stay at home mom and military spouse. We have made the military life work for 14 years with a little sacrifice, a few tears and a lot of trial and error. I have created this blog to share a little about us, along with some money saving tips and recipes. I truly believe in living simple or as simple as my husband will let me. I mean our grandparents did it, why can't we?
How about Eberly Avenue? Or Everything Eberly?